I will be away – NOT ANY MORE!!

Hey, I was planning for the camp – but not anymore… so sad to miss out on this one because I always have enjoyed and made lots friends every year. T_T

However, I have life and job issues in 2010. If you are looking for an awesome summer break, let me know! Because they need you!!!



From (Tues) 5/Jan/2010 to (Tues) 12/Jan/2010

I will be  leading a group for Ponui Junior Camp (Year9-10), at Ponui Island.  There will be 68 kids and a leadership team of 31.

What is Ponui Junior Camp? Here is bit about the camp.

Ponui Island in the hot afternoon sun – waterslide, kayak, sail, fish. Amped teenagers playing sport and crazy water games. Ponui at night … cook-outs, the call of kiwis. Can you see it? Can you feel it? Get there! Ponui 2010

For more info, visit – http://www.scriptureunion.org.nz/camps/ponuijunior.htm

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