Most poisonous snake bites are not fatal, and death (when it occurs) typically takes hours or days, even when the victim is left untreated.
A small amount of injected venom – combined with the size and general health of the victim – can result in moderate symptoms, including swelling, pain, and a burning sensation at the injury site; thirst and chills; and nausea. Larger amounts of hemotoxin may cause rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, shallow breathing, convulsions, and respiratory failure.
Fatty tissue absorbs venom more slowly than muscle.
Now we know…….
Antivenin, based on the vaccine concept developed by Louise Pasteur, was invented in the late nineteenth century and is now used to treat many tpes of poisonous snakebites.
From ‘The worst-case scenario Almanac – HISTORY’ written by J.Piven, D.Borgenicht, P. Marchant & M.Wagner.