Evolution or Metamorphosis?

그동안 가지고 있던 책이지만 별 관심없이 책꽂이에 꽂아만 두었던 책을 흝어보다가 의아한점을 찾아냈다. ‘신비한 생물 창조섭리’라는 책인데 거의 내용은 성경적인 시각으로 Evolution(진화)에 초점을 두어 여러가지 생물체의 활동이나 생김새를 해석한 책이다.

Natural Selection은 진화론의 한 부분인데, 진화론은 부정하면서 Natural Selection은 받아들이는 내용을 적어본다.


사실 어떠한 집단일지라도 이미 내재된 변이(Mutation)를 가지고 있다. 그러나 이러한 변이가 정상과 비정상을 나타내는 것도 아니고, 그렇다고 해서 다른 개체에 대한 특별한 이익을 얻는것도 아니다. 그렇지만 일단 환경이 점점 건조해지기 시작한다면 그들은 다른 식물체보다 살아난 확률이 높으며(습한 환경에서 자라지 못하는 식물의 경우), 또한 그러한 정보는 후대에도 물려줄 것이다.

즉, 다른 말로 표현하자면, 환경에 적응을 하지 못한 뿌리가 짧고 왁스물질이 적은 식물일수록 먼저 죽는다는 것이다. 이러한 과정 중의집단을 전체저그로 본다면, 평균적으로 뿌리는 심근성일 것이도 잎의 표면에는 더 많은 왁스물질(wax)을 가질것이다.

이러한 것들이 바로 새로운 적응으로 이끄는 자연선택(natural selection)인 것이다. 그러나 자연선택 그자체는 본래 있는 유전자로부터 선택하는 것이지, 한 종에서 새로운 종으로 변형시키는 데 필요한 새로운 유전적정보를 창조할 수는 없는것이다.

이 경우에 진화론자는 돌연변이가 어떤 생명체를 새로운 구조와 기능을 가진 또 다른 좀더 복잡한 유기체(eukaryote)로 진화해 나가도록 새로운 물질을 제공한다는 믿음을 가지고 있다. 그러나 이것은 잘못된 믿음으로써 전혀 실제 사실과는 부합하지 않는다. 생명체란 이미 짜여진 각본, 즉 DNA의 프로그램대로 형성되고 시기적절하게 발현되도록 되어있다.

DNA에 의해서 운반되는 유기체의 지문(code)은 이세상에 있는 어떠한 디지털 프로그램보다도 복잡하고 정교하다. 이러한 지문은 유기체가 번식할때 완벽하게 재생되는 것으로, 돌연변이란 이러한 재생시 일어나는 우연한 실수 외에는 아무것도 아닌것이다.


이 글은 건국대 원예학과 교수, 손기철 박사의 글이다. 난 이분의 해석에 80%로 정도밖에 동의할수 없다. Evolution은 아무도 본적이 없기때문에 가설(Thory, hypothesis)로밖에 남을 수 없다. 어느 부분에 동의하고, 하지 못하는 지는 설명하지 않겠다. 하지만..

당신의 생각은 어떤가?

General idea about Evolution

From biological view, evolution of living things could not have occurred without the ability to pass their characteristics from one generation to the next. Chromosomes has its role in transmitting an organism’s hereditary characteristics to its young by means of  ‘units of heredity’ called genes.

  • Formation of new species

New species can evolve if creatures become isolated by water, mountains, or other barriers, so can no longer breed with their own kind.

  • Natural Selection

Living things are always exposed to risk from disease, predators, and other dangers. If the young are born with differences that make them tougher, or stronger, or better suited to their surroundings, they will be able to live longer and have more babies than their weaker brothers and sisters.

This idea is called survival of the fittest, or natural selection. Nature selects the fittest and strongest for survival by killing off the weaklings. The idea was first introduced by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace over a hundred years ago.

  • Extinction…. (멸종)

There are many reasons why some creatures gradually declined in numbers until they became extinct. Climate can change from burning deserts to freezing ice ages, so that, unless living things can migrate to better conditions, or evolve which are in some way better equipped to survive. These take over the living space and food supply of some existing species, depriving them of the necessities of life.

  • A criticism of evolution: Evolution is only a theory!?

A scientific definition of evolution is ‘a change in the genes of a population over time’. This leads, for example, to insects developing resistance of pesticides. Evolution in this sense of the word is an indisputable fact. What critics forget is that this mechanism is all that is needed to produce a variety of creatures from a common ancestor and with time, new species.

People who still insist that evolution is ‘only a theory’ imply that it is no more than a tentative suggestion. In fact this ‘theory’ is based on a mass of evidence from fossils, anatomy, ecology, genetics, animal behaviour, and more..

DNA and Gene Expression

Function of chromosomes

When a cell is not dividing, its chromosomes become very long and thin. Along the length of chromosome is a series of chemical structures called genes. The chemical which forms the genes is called DNA. Each gene controls some part of the chemistry of the cell. It is these genes which provide the instructions. One gene may instruct the cell to make the pigment which is formed in the iris of brown eyes. On one chromosome there will be a gene which causes the cells of the stomach to make the enzyme pepsin. When the chromatids separate at mitosis, each cell will receive a full set of genes. In this way, the chemical instructions in the zygote are passed on to all cells of the body. All the chromosomes, all the instructions are faithfully reproduced by mitosis and passed on complete to all the cells.


‘Chromosome’과 ‘DNA’의 의미를 제대로 알고 사용해야한다. Chromosome이란 세포의 핵안에 있는 유전물질(genetic material)을 말한다. DNA는 Deoxyribonucleic Acid의 약자인데… 이것을 생각해보면 분명 화학적 의미를 가지고 있다는걸 알게된다. DNA는 즉, chromosome을 이루고 있는 molecule의 집합이고, nucleic acid/nucleotide 로 이루어져 있다.

(NCEA시험이든 CIE시험이든 이 두단어를 제대로 구분하지 못하고 쓰지 못하면 점수를 획득할수 없다!)



Chromosomes consist of a protein framework, with a long DNA molecule coiled round the framework in a complicated way. Its the DNA part of the chromosome which controls the inherited characters and it is sections of the DNA molecule which constitute the genes. The gene which causes brown eyes will have no effect in a stomach cell and the gene for making pepsin will not function in the cells of the eye.


(다시 DNA로 돌아와서..!)

DNA molecule is a long chain of nucleotides.  A nucleotide is a 5 carbon sugar molecule joined to a phosphate group and an organic base.

In DNA, the sugar is Deoxyribose and the organic base is either

  • A = adenine
  • T = thymine
  • C = cytosine
  • G = Guanine

The sequence of bases forms a code which instructs the cell to make particular proteins. Proteins are made from amino acids linked together. The type and sequence of the amino acids joined together will determine the kind of protein formed. It is the sequence of bases in the DNA molecule which decides which amino acids are used and in which order they are joined. Each group of three bases stands for one amino acid.

A gene, then, is a sequence of triplets of the four bases, which specifies an entire protein. Most proteins contain a thousand or more bases.

The chemical reaction which take place in a cell determine what sort of a cell it is and what its functions are. These chemical reactions are controlled by enzymes. Enzymes are proteins. Therefore the genetic code of DNA, in determining which proteins, particularly enzymes are produced in a cell, and determines the structure and function of the enzymes.


Replication of DNA

(기억할것! Replication은 Mitosis 과정중 일어난다.)

The DNA in a chromosome consists of 2 chains of nucleotides held together by chemical bonds between the bases. The size of the molecule ensures that adenine always pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. The double strand is twisted to form a helix.

Before cell division can occur, the DNA of the chromosome has to replicate – to make identical copy of it-self. To do this, enzymes make the double strands of DNA unwind and separate into two single strands rather like undoing a zip.

Nucleotides are brought to the unzipped DNA and joined to the exposed bases with the aid of enzymes. The adenine of an arriving nucleotide always joins to the thymine of the DNA, and cytosine to the guanine.

The new nucleotides join up to form a chain attached to the exposed strand. This happens all the way along each DNA strand. Since this is happening in both strands of DNA strand, the double helix is replicated and the full set of genetic instructions is passed to both daughter cells at cell division.


수많은 궁굼증을 해소해야만 이해할수 있는 Gene expression! 공부하면 할수록 어려운 부분이긴 하지만 결코 넘지 못할 산은 아니다. :)


Chromosome(염색체):  http://www.tiricosuave.com/images/chromosome.jpg

Structure of DNA: http://www.scq.ubc.ca/wp-content/dna.gif

모든 세포는 핵(nucleus)를 가지고 있는데 이 안에 들어있는것이 Chromosome이다. 앞서 설명했던 것과 같이 chromosome은 DNA로 이루어져있다. DNA는 두개의 긴 테이프가 사다리로 연경되어 나선형으로 돌고있는 형태를 취하고 있으며, 세포가 활성을 유지하기 위해 필요한 모든 정보를 지니고 있다.

만일, DNA에 구조상 결함이 있거나 DNA의 양이 충분하지 못할경우 세포의 기능은 물론 분열(Cell Division: Mitosis, Meiosis 참고)에 지장을 초래한다. 이 이유는, 세포가 분열할때 DNA는 본래의 DNA와 똑같은 두개의 DNA를 복제하는데, 이 복제가 무슨 이유에서든 일어날 수 없으면 그 세포는 두개의 세포로 나누어 질수 없거나 chromosome의 갯수(number)가 부족하게 된다.

Chromosome의 number가 달라질경우 이 세포는 죽음으로 이루게 되거나, 잘못된 세포로 임신을 하게되면 기형아기가 태어난다.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

  • Nucleic acid (there are two nucleic acid found in living organisms, which is RNA and DNA)
  • Contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms
  • Storage of information
  • DNA is like blueprints or a recipe, or a code,
  • It contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells (eg. proteins)
  • DNA segments that carry this genetic information are called genes
  • Involved in regulating the use of this genetic information.

DNA Replication Process Steps (1)

DNA Replication process steps:

1.Unwinding the DNA molecule

2.Making new DNA strand

3.Two new double-helix DNA molecule

*In cell division, two DNA strands appear as sister chromatids joined at a centromere.

Make sure you understand Semi Conservative model: Two daughter strands of DNA will each have one old strand from the parent DNA and one newly formed strand.