기침을 달고 산다..

요즘 누구에게 옮았는지 갑자기 기침을 달고산다. 수업에도 방해가 되고 사람들과 모여있으면 여러모로 모양새도 빠지는데.. 언제나려나 모르겠다.

기침은 보통 가래를 제거하거나 기도에 들어간 이물질을제거하기 위한 우리몸의 방어 장치이다. 코, 기관지, 식도 등에서 자극을 느끼면 기침 중추에 신호를 보낸다. 그러면 성대, 횡경막, 호흡근육에 명령을 내리고 기침을 하게된다.

어떤 기침은 병이 시작되는 것을 알리는 신호가 되기도 하는데.. 기침의 횟수가 늘어나고 정도가 심해지는 것은 바이러스성 호흡기 감기를 의심할수 있다.  대부분, 감기로 인한 기침은 정도가 심하지 않고 증상을 완화시켜 주는 치료만으로 1주일 이내에 호전이 되는게 정상이다. 치료후에도 호흡이 빨라지거나, 고열이 보이면 자주 진찰을 받아 폐렴같은 합병증의 여부를 꼭 확인해야 한다.

기침은 지속되는 기간에 따라 2주 이내의 급성, 2~4주 이내의 아급성, 4주 이상의 만성기침으로 분류할 수 있다. 이렇게 결정한 이유는 대개의 호흡기 바이러스 감염에 의한 기침은 길어야 2~3주 이내에 멎기 때문이다..

4주이상 지속되는 만성기침을 하는 소아는 숨어있는 호흡기 질환 혹은 전신적 질환이 있는지 진찰 및 검사를 통해 확인이 필요하다.

질문을 남기는 방법?

‘질문을 남기는 방법’을 클릭하도록 한다.

페이지를 이동하게 되는데.. 하단에 보면 Leave a reply에 질문을 남기면 끝:).

쌤이 질문에 답을 하면 이메일로 답변이 보내질 것이니 꼭 확인을 잊지말기!

How do we see and learn? (Part 3: Memory)

Everyone wants to learn faster and effectively.

One way is to understand how the learner’s brain processes in the learning environment. Learning is the process of taking new information in your working memory and integrating it with existing knowledge in your long-term memory.  Once it’s in long-term memory you can recall it and transfer the knowledge to the real world.

  • Working memory:  Your working memory is good at processing information, but it can only hold so much at one time.  All of your active thinking happens in the working memory.
  • Long-term memory:  Your long-term memory is your storage center and holds your existing knowledge.  In the learning process, you are connecting the new information to prior knowledge.  As you actively process information, you are swapping it between working and long-term memory.

The working memory is like a white board where you can do a lot of calculations and diagramming on the fly.  On the white board, you need space to both write down information (temporary storage) and do your problem-solving (active processing).

Often the problem is that you only have so much space.  As the white board gets cluttered with information, you run out of room to work.  That means you need to record the important information and free up space to do more work on the white board.

One way to capture the information is to create post-it notes (long-term memory) to record the information on the white board.  Once you you have the notes, you are free to erase the white board and do more work.  And, if you needed to recall what you did earlier, all you have to do is look at one of your notes.

As you go through an learning process, what you see and hear enters your working memory where it is temporarily stored.  Your brain actively processes the new information and integrates it with what you have stored in your long-term memory.

So, your brain is doing these things:

  1. Receiving new information
  2. Actively processing the information
  3. Integrating the information with long-term memory

(ref: http://www.articulate.com/rapid-elearning/2007/10/)

There are numerous ways been suggested by the researchers about effective ways to transfer information to the learners. These are used to promote clear processing and life long memory of the information and teachers in classroom happen to use coloured movie clips and pens. Most of the schools have recognized the importance in providing resources and been proved to be effective.

How do we see? (Part2: Brain and vision)

Colour blindness and night blindness

Most forms of colour blindness, an inherited inability to distinguish between certain colours, result from the absence or a deficiency of one of the three cone photopigments. The most common type is red-green colour blindness, in which a photopigment sensitive to orange-red light or green light is missing. As a result, the person cannot distinguish between red and green. Prolonged vitamin A deficiency and the consequent below normal amount of rhodopsin may cause night blindness – an inability to see well at low light levels.


The visual pathway

After considerable processing of visual signals in the retina at synapses among the various types of neurons, the axons of retinal ganglion cell provide output from the retina to the brain.

They exit the eyeball as the optic nerve (cranial nerve II).



Process of Visual Input in the Retina

Within the retina, certain features of visual input are enhanced while other features may be discarded. This is because there are only 1million ganglion cells but 126 million photoreceptors.

Once receptors in rods and cones receives message, the message is spread through the synaptic terminals of vision neurons. Everything that can be seen by one eye is that eye’s visual field. Because our eyes are located anteriorly in the head, the visual field of the two eyes overlap considerably. We have binocular vision due to the large region where the visual fields of the two eyes overlap. The visual field of each eye is divided into two regions. Moreover, visual information from the right half of each visual field is conveyed to the left side of the brain, where as visual information from the left half of each visual field is conveyed to the right side of the brain.

(ref: http://www.arn.org/docs/glicksman/120104%20fig3.jpg)

  1. Axons of all retinal ganglion cells in one eye exit the eyeball at the optic disc and form the optic nerve on that side.
  2. At the optic chiasm, axons from the temporal half of each retinal do not cross but continue directly to the thalamus on the same side.
  3. In contrast, axons from the nasal half of each retina cross and continue to the opposite thalamus.
  4. Axon branches of the retinal ganglion cells project to the mid brain, where they participate in circuits that govern constrictions of pupils in response to light and co-ordination of head and eye movements. Hypothalamus also establishes the patterns of sleep and other activities that occur on a daily schedule in response to intervals of light and darkness.
  5. The axons of thalamic neurons form the optic radiation as they project from the thalamus to the primary visual area of the cortex on the same side.

(ref: http://www.thebrainwiki.com/uploads/Forebrain/thalamus.jpg)


Being a part of the cerebrum, They are located at the edges of the brain. Each temporal lobe deals with auditory processing and semantics of speech and vision. The temporal lobe hosts the hippocampus and is therefore involved in the formation of memories. Their function include Emotional Responses, Hearing, Memory and Speech.

The longest word

Pseudoantidisestablishmentarianism (34자)

[슈도 안티 디스 에스타블리쉬먼타리어니즘]


antidisestablishmentarianism(반 국교폐지론)의 파생어.

의미: 반국교폐지론을 사칭하는 것. (거짓으로 국교는 폐지되어서는 안된다고 주장하는 주의?)


Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies (39자)
담낭과 간장관 또는 장의 사이에 연락 채널을 만들기 위한 외과 수술.


Asseocarnisanguineoviscericartilaginonervomedullary (51자)

의미 : 인체의 구조. Structure of the human body


Aequeosalinocalcalinosetaceoaluminosocupreovitriolic (52자)

[의미] Bath(잉글랜드, 에이본주의 온천 도시)의 광천수를 나타내기 위해
에드워드·스트로자 박사(1675~1737)가 만들어낸 조어.


Lopadotenachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrinhipotrimmatosilphioparaomelitok-atakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektrionoptekephalliokigklopel-eiolagoiosiraiovaphetraganopterygon (182자)

극작가 아리스토파네프(BC448~380?)의 작품중에 나오는 170자의 그리스어를 번역한 것.
17가지의 재료로 만드는 요리의 이름.


Ornicopytheobiblopsychocrystarroscioaerogenethliometeoroaustrohieroanthr-opoicichthyopyrosiderochpnomyoalectryoophiobotanopegohydrorhabdocritho-aleuroalphitohalomolybdoclerobeloaxinocoscinodactyliogeolithopessopscphoca-toptrotephraoeirochiroomychodactyloarithstichooxogeloscogastrogyrocerobl-etonooenoscapulinaniac (310자)

중세에 어떤 필기자가 사용한단어. 의미는 새,신탁,성서로 시작되는 총 57가지의 단어를 엮어서 표현해놓은 단어.



담배모자이크 바이러스 Dahlemense Strain의 과학명.

아메리카 과학학회의 화학제품초록에 적혀있다.


Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanylglutamin-ylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglycylalanylphenylalanylvalylprolylphen-ylalanylvalylthreonylleucylglycylaspartylprolylglycylisoleucylglutamylglutaminyl-serylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthreonylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglycylalan-ylaspartylalanylleucylglutamylleucylglycylisoleucylprolylphenylalanylserylaspart-ylprolylleucelalanylaspartylglycylprolylthreonylisoleucylglutamiylasparaginylala-nylthreonylleucylarginylalanylphenylalanylalanylalanylglycylvalylthreonylprolyla-lanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalanylglutamylmethionylleucyalanylleucylisoleucyl-arginylglutaminyllysylhistidylprolylthreonylisoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucyll-eucylmethionyltyrosylalanylasparaginylleucylvalylphenylalanylasparaginyllysylgl-ycylisoleucylaspartylglutamylphenylalanyltyrosylalanylglutaminylcysteinylglutam-yllysylvalylglycylvalylaspartylserylvalylleucylvalylalanylaspartylvalylprolylvalylg-lutaminylglutamylserylalanylprolylphenylalanylarginylglutaminylalanylalanylleucy-larginylhistidylasparaginylvalylalanylprolylisoleucylphenylalanylisoleucylcystein-ylprolylprolylaspartylalanylaspartylaspartylaspartylleucylleucylarginylglutaminy-lisoleucylalanylseryltyrosylglycylarginylglycyltyrosylthreonyltyrosylleucylleuc-ylserylarginylalanylglycylvalylthreonylglycylaranylglutamylasparaginylarginylan-ylalanylleucylprolylleucylaspaaginylhistidylleucylvalylalanyllysylleucyllysylgluta-myltyrosylasparaginylalanylalanylprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglycylphenylalanyl-glycylisoleucylserylalanylprolylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysylalanylalanylisoleucyla-spartylalanylglycylalanylalanylglycylalanylisoleucylserylglycylserylalanylisoleucy-lbalyllysylisoleucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylhistidylasparaginylisoleucylglutam-ylprolylglutamyllysylmethionylleucylalanylalanylleucyllysylvalylphenylalanylvalyl-glutaminylprolylmethionyllysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserine (1909자)

267개의 아미노산으로 구성된 단백질 효소(트립토판 신세타아제)의 과학명.

공부의 비법 1,2,3

케이블 방송같은데 한국에서 유명한 강사들이 매주 나와서 쇼프로 형식으로 강의를 한다.  과목별로 공부를 하는 방법을 알려주기때문에 꼭 한국에서 공부하는 학생이 아니더라도 한번쯤은 꼭 들어야 할 필요성이 있다.

한국의 수능은 미국이나 영국시험제도와 비슷하기때문에 우리가 하고있는 공부와 비슷하다. 꼭 한번 들어보길…


공부의 비법 3회[사탐&과학]: http://joonmedia.net/videos/play/18631/4

공부의 비법 2회[수학]: http://joonmedia.net/videos/play/18486/4

공부의 비법 1회[국어]: http://joonmedia.net/videos/play/18013/4

How to remember the scientific “terms”?

Learning science is like learning another language. If you are learning to speak another language like Chinese or Japanese – WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

It is the same procedure while  you are learning science. My advise is – use the word more often. How would you use the word more often though?

Well, everybody has different ways and methods. You could build your own table of glossary per each topic in science or make a memory card (front page with the definition and back page with the term), or even write the word many times. Some psychologists say that humans learn words by saying it or by forgetting the word few times. This is why teachers make you to do different activities and ask you to get involved into the discussion in the class.

Probably, the best way to learn science language is by ENJOYING IT! :) So, don’t bore yourself. Move on to something else if you can’t really learn the word -because you can alway come back to it.

쌤의 후회, 그리고 너희들의 최대 고민!

공부를 잘하는 방법?

솔직히 이야기 하자면 난 그닥 공부를 뛰어나게 잘 하지못했다. 이제와 생각해보니 내 경험을 비추어보면 분명 학생들에게 공부를 잘하는 방법은 분명히 있다. 내가 했던것 들을 반대로 하면 되는것 이다.. 히히

자.. 학생이 공부할때 분명 하지 말하야 하는것들을 적어본다. 내가 했던것들을 반대로 적어보았다.

Continue reading “쌤의 후회, 그리고 너희들의 최대 고민!”

If you are the person who tries to argue..

Hi forks,

If you are the person who likes to argue with your teacher – DROP EVERYTHING and LISTEN to what I have to say now!

Teachers at the school or after school are  there to help you out for a good reason. You will learn something that is very valuable and important for your life. It will make your life easier in the future by absorbing them so – STOP ARGUING. You probably have your own side of opinion and want to talk to someone who is mature – THAT IS FINE, but find a right time and right person.

If I have someone who is trying to disturb or interrupt my lesson, and even get away with things that has been planned, you should expect me VERY CROSSED. Of course, the message will be sent across to your parents too.

Don’t even give it a try because there will be no chance.

If you have something (which you cannot survive without discussing) try me after the lesson, but not during the lesson. You need to arrange time and come with a very nice attitude to talk about the issue. It will be accepted if you approach your argument this way. Thanks.


Learn by asking questions and your questions can make you better!

You will improve science literacy through exploring, making observations, taking wrong turns, testing ideas, reading, discovering ………and ASKING!

Do not wait until your teacher to read your mind and answer your questions. We can not read your mind -_-;;

Ask! because I won’t make this face!