Protein Synthesis 4: Ribosome

Translation: Ribosome (rRNA)

  • Single mRNA molecule is served by many ribosomes at the same time.
  • Made up of a complex of ribosomal RNA and proteins.
  • 2 Separate sub-units until they are attracted to a binding site on the mRNA molecule.
  • Have binding sites that attract tRNA molecules loaded with amino acids.
  • Ability of a ribosome to translate the coded information in an mRNA molecule and move along it one triplet at a time.
  • It allows codon-anticodon pairing to occur.
  • It moves along the mRNA one triplet at a time.
  • Has 3 binding sites for tRNA: E-site, P-site, A-site

tRNA and Ribosome

  • tRNA in the A site is translocated to the P site, taking the mRNA along with it. Meanwhile the tRNA in the P site moves to the E site and is released from the ribosome.
  • P site is occupied by the tRNA attached to the growing polypeptide chain.
  • A site binds the incoming tRNA the next amino acid to be added.

  • Ribosome joins with the 5’end of an mRNA molecule.
  • AUG codon acts as a ‘begin here’ symbol.
  • When the ribosome reaches a ‘stop’ codon, it breaks free and can then begin reading another mRNA molecule to make another protein molecule.

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