Be aware….

Most poisonous snake bites are not fatal, and death (when it occurs) typically takes hours or days, even when the victim is left untreated.

A small amount of injected venom – combined with the size and general health of the victim – can result in moderate symptoms, including swelling, pain, and a burning sensation at the injury site; thirst and chills; and nausea. Larger amounts of hemotoxin may cause rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, shallow breathing, convulsions, and respiratory failure.

Fatty tissue absorbs venom more slowly than muscle.

Now we know…….

Antivenin, based on the vaccine concept developed by Louise Pasteur, was invented in the late nineteenth century and is now used to treat many tpes of poisonous snakebites.

From ‘The worst-case scenario Almanac – HISTORY’ written by J.Piven, D.Borgenicht, P. Marchant & M.Wagner.

For animal lovers! – Did you know?!

(This is helpful for Year13 Biology – Animal Behaviour)

  • Domestic dogs can determine the age, gender, sexual activity, and exact identity of another dog simply by sniffing the scent marks it leaves behind.
  • Rats can smell a cat. The mere whiff of cat odour causes a rat’s blood pressure to rise dramatically, even if it has never encountered a cat before in its life.
  • Birds recognize each other by smell just as mammals do.
  • Nesting birds change the way they smell so that predators cannot sniff them out. Usually ground-nesting birds and ducks coat their feathers using a substance known as a preen wax, which repels water and inhibits the growth of feather-degrading bacteria.
  • Rats smell in stereo. With just one sniff, the rodents can workout the direction a smell is coming from. That is because the waft of an odour reaches each nostril 50milliseconds apart, a tiny but significant different that allows the rat to workout from and where the smell is emanating. When one nostril is blocked, a rat’s ability to sniff out the direction of a smell is greatly reduced.
  • Wasps and bees have such good noses that they are being used to quality-check the freshness of supermarket food. They are also being trained to sniff out the chemical ingredients of bombs or the odours produced by people with certain diseases.

From ‘Moths that drink elephants tears – And other zoological curiosities” by Matt Walker. Matt Walker is a writer and senior editor with New Scientist, the world’s leading weekly science and technology magazine.

There are lots of interesting books at libraries. Make sure you read heaps and build answers to your questions! :)

Diamonds vs. Graphite!

(a)     Graphite
–       Black, soft, greasy
–       Conducts electricity
–       Most common form
–       Used as lubricant, conductor in drycells and in pencil ‘leads’

(b)     Diamonds
–       Transparent, hard
–       Does not conduct electricity
–       Uncommon
–       Used in jewelry, blades

Make sure you know about the layer structure of graphite. Within each layer each carbon atom is bonded to three others by strong covalent bonds. Each layer is therefore a giant molecule. Between these layers there are weak forces of attraction (=van der Waal’s forces) and so the layers will pass over each other easily.

With only 3 covalent bonds formed between carbon atoms within the layers, an unbonded electron is present on each carbon atom. These spare electrons form electron clouds between the layers and it is because of these spare electrons that graphite conducts electricity.

You also need to know the structure of diamond. Each of the carbon atoms in the giant structure is covalently bonded to four others. They form a tetrahedral arrangement. This bonding scheme gives rise to a very rigid, three dimensional structure and accounts for the extreme hardness of the substance. All the outer energy level electrons of the carbon atoms are used to form covalent bonds, so there are no electrons available to enable diamond to conduct electricity.

These two examples of allotropes are important. You must be able to
give account of differences.

DNA Replication Process Steps (2)

  • Helicase: The enzyme splits and unwinds the 2-strnaded DNA molecules.
  • DNA Polymerase III : Extends RNA primer with short length of complementary DNA.
  • RNA Polymerase: Synthesizes a short RNA primer which is later removed.
  • DNA Polymerase I: Digests RNA primer and replaces it with DNA.
  • DNA Ligase: Joins neighbouring fragments together into longer strands.


Leading strand

•Leading strand is the new strand that grows continuously toward the replication fork.

• The new strand is 5’–>3’ direction. It is also complementary to 3’–>5’ parent strand.

•DNA polymerase reads the parent strand in 3’ to 5’ direction, while building the new strand in opposite (5’–>3’) direction.


Lagging strand

Okazaki Fragment: The lagging strand is formed in fragments, between 1000 and 2000 nucleotides long – called Okazaki fragments.

•Since new nucleotides can only be added at the 3’end, each new half-strand is synthesized in the 5’–>3’ direction.

•At the 5’end of the old strand, the new strand is synthesized in separate bits called Okazaki fragments. These grow addition at their 3’ends and are then joined up by DNA ligase.


You should be able to explain the steps involved in DNA Replication & role of the enzymes in DNA replication.

To help you with the understanding of this concept watch this Youtube video:

DNA Replication Process Steps (1)

DNA Replication process steps:

1.Unwinding the DNA molecule

2.Making new DNA strand

3.Two new double-helix DNA molecule

*In cell division, two DNA strands appear as sister chromatids joined at a centromere.

Make sure you understand Semi Conservative model: Two daughter strands of DNA will each have one old strand from the parent DNA and one newly formed strand.


•Part of the ‘cell cycle’

•Existing cell divides into two new ones (Mother cell –> 2 Daughter cells)

•The daughter cells are identical to the parent cell.

•Mitosis is associated with cell growth and repair of tissue.

*During interphase –> prophase, the chromosomes become thicker and shorter.

This is because of the coiling of chromosomes. When a cell divides, the chromosomes have to be wound up. To do this, the beaded coils form tight chromatin coils called chromatin fibres. Then these form loops called looped domains. These looped domains coil and fold even more to form the characteristic of chromosome you cell during cell division. This is important step of the mitosis so they do not get tangled as they move into different cells.


DNA is unique among all known molecules because it is the only one that is capable of duplicating itself. DNA replication is involved in the stages of meiosis and mitosis. Replicating DNA is crucial stage for the formation of identical daughter cells during the mitosis. This process of DNA duplication is called DNA replication.

DNA replication is somewhat complex, but what basically happens is that the two complementary strands which form the DNA molecule unzip and then are used as templates from which new strands are made as free nucleotides combine with their complementary bases.

Replication of DNA is semi-conservative. That is, one side of each new DNA strand is “old” and the other side is “new”.

The process involves large numbers of free nucleotides. These molecules will pair with the bases on the template strands during the replication process. The process of replication begins in the DNA molecules at thousands of sites called origins of replication. At these sites, which look like little bubbles, the hydrogen bonds between the bases are broken and the paired bases separate. The helix begins to pull apart or unwind. The unwinding of the helix is facilitated by an enzyme called helicase. As unwinding continues, they move in opposite directions creating two Y-shaped replication forks. Replication proceeds in both directions until the bubbles meet.

DNA Polyermerase III is the primary enzyme responsible for replication. Its main function is to add a new nucleotide to exposed nucleotides. A limitation of DNA polymerase III is that it can only add new bases to the 3’ end of a growing strand. New DNA strands always grow from the 5′ to the 3′ end (of the daughter strand). Since the original DNA strand unzips, replication can occur in a 5′ to 3′ direction on one side and in a 3′ to 5′ direction on the other side. But DNA polymerase works in a 3′ to 5′ direction.

As replication moves from an origin the addition and joining of bases on one strand can synthesized continually in a 5′ to 3′ direction. This strand is referred to as the leading strand.

The other parent strand is copied discontinuously, creating a lagging strand. The lagging strand is formed in fragments, between 1000 and 2000 nucleotides long – called Okazaki fragments. Synthesis of lagging strand does not really begin until an enzyme called RNA polymerase adds a primer of a few RNA nucleotides in a 5′ to 3′ direction. The primer is later removed and replaced by DNA. When DNA polymerase III meets the RNA primer from a previous segment, DNA polymerase I comes along and digests the primer, fills the gap with DNA, and leaves. The Okazaki fragments are joined together by ligase.

When each of the two new double-helix DNA molecules has one strand of the original DNA and one strand that is newly synthesized. The two DNA molecules rewind into their ‘cork-screw’ double helix shape again. Each double-helix is then coiled around histone proteins and further wrapped up to form separate chromatids, which are joined by centromere. This coiled DNA is seen under the microscope during mitosis and meiosis (prophase). The two chromatids will become separated in the cell division process (mitosis, meiosis) to form separate chromosomes.

Terms: Semi-conservative, Anti-parallel, Helicase, Leading strand, DNA Polymerase III(Leading strand), Lagging strand, Okazaki Fragment, RNA Polymerase, RNA Primer, DNA Polymerase III(Lagging strand), DNA Polymerase I, DNA Ligase


Scientists divide living things into groups, which is called classification. Living things are called organisms and they must do all of MRS GREN. (Can you remember what MRS GREN stands for?)

Living things are divided into KINGDOMS. Members of the plant kingdom can make their own food, however, animals cannot. This is why plants are called producers and animals are called consumers.

Animals are divided into vertebrates and invertebrates. The vertebrates are animals that have backbones. Then, what do you think the invertebrates are? Can you give examples of both vertebrates and invertebrates?

Plants are also divided into smaller groups. As I have mentioned earlier, plants make their own food using sunlight energy in a process called photosynthesis.

Scientists use make and use simple keys to identify plants and animals. Classification is also used to give the organisms names. They look at the features like shapes of leaves, colour and size of flowers, number of wings, number of spots, stem rigidity, lay eggs, breathe with gills….

You need to know how to use a classification key and practice until you feel confident with sorting animals or plant, may be even non-living materials!

Who is MRS GREN.C?

Living things have certain life processes in common and there are seven characteristics of living organism. These seven things are used to classify an organism as being alive. Often, it is easy to tell if something is living or not. The phrase MRS GREN.C is a way to remember them:





*Respiration (Respiration is not just about breathing, but this word is about making energy inside your cells)

*Excretion (eg. sweat, urine, faeces, tears, mucus)


