Any Questions?

Hey chaps!

I really love to teach and talk to you about any fields in science .  If you have a science test or need to learn something you have not come across before – bring them to the lesson. It would be a good opportunity for everyone in the group to talk about it. I am happy to give you a hand and check if you are on the right track. Any science assignment, project and homework is all welcome.

I also enjoy explaining things here if you are in hurry or can’t really come in to talk to me personally. SCIENCE is GREAT and is FUN than you would think.

Because it is the world of WONDER! and OUR WORLD is wonderful to study about.


41 Replies to “Any Questions?”

  1. kidney filters blood and water. Water containing urine and salts gets stored in the bladder until it gets excreted via urethra. So they are all related. I have answered to your question on the blog for you to have a read.

  2. Not really sure which lactose cycle you are asking about – Need more information on this one. Excretory system is answered :)

  3. I dont know why most elements end in -ium… such as radium, polonium, francium, caesium… and so on… Please could you explain? Also, Phosphorus? I know it is an element…. but what else? Thank you… Oh… one more thing… If you eat glucose do you gain weight? Is there a connection between glucose and gaining weight?

  4. Hi Minjae. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry(IUPAC) decides the name for elements and somehow they have came up with the names on the elements- like the ones with -ium at the end. I don’t really think names of elements on the periodic table has specific rules (You can ask this question to your Group A teacher because she is a chemist.) Right, the glucose.. glucose is our basic energy source. Protein, carbohydrate and starch can all break down into glucose so they can be absorbed into our blood system for transport. These transported glucose are used by the cell of various organs as energy source. If excessive amount of food containing glucose is eaten, these will be stored in our liver or as fat. Then we will gain some weight. If we burn most of the glucose and fat, then we will most likely to see loss in the weight.

  5. Hello Min. I have posted the answer to your question. Some of these concepts can be new for you and it is very important to build a firm base around these. So, don’t hesitate to ask any questions to your group teacher or me. :)

  6. I will post an article about RNA quickly. In the mean while, please search for ‘science fair’ on my blog because I have introduced some websites regarding to science fair. Look through these websites first and choose couple of questions from them. These websites are really great because you can download other people’s work and they come with method, result, conclusion and so on. You cannot other people’s work but you can go further from their work and make further research using their work. In fact, this is what a ‘real’ science research project is about. Talk to me tomorrow when you see me.

  7. Could you please tell the Science Group C teacher that I will be coming to the class next saturday… Thank you!! :)

  8. You know the glucose science fair topic thing… what woudl i need to measure the energy level? Could you please reply quickly because I need it by to morrow in the morning… thank you :P

  9. Also, I cant seem to find the equation…. I have searched on google, ask and every search engine I know… But I still cant find it.. :(

  10. What is kinetic energy and potentional energy??? What is chemical and physical change as well?

  11. could you tell me how our eyes remember things? i couldn’t find it on the internet. thanx~!

  12. could you explain to me what multi cellular organisms and unicellular organisms are?

    what is a nebulae?
    and in composition of the air, why is there so much nitrogen than oxygen?
    sorry that there is alot to answer but thanx~♡

  13. could you please explain what an independent variable, dependent variable and a control is? I dont really get it :)

  14. The independent variable is “what I change” of the experiment – so this is what you are trying to measure. Dependent variable is the ‘result’ from the experiment. Hence, the independent variable goes on the horizontal axis of the graph and dependent variable goes on the vertical axis. For example, if I want to find out the effect of temperature on plants – my independent variable is the ‘temperature’ and dependent variable will be the growth(result) of my plants. Hope this helps.

  15. I want to ask a couple of things…
    What do you need to make a complete cirsuit?
    What are genetics? Specifically, dominant and rececive allele.
    How does a seismograph work?
    What is an epicentre?
    What are gol alloys?
    Sorry if it is alot of questions :) But im really curious
    Ive also got things to ask on monday :P

  16. – Complete circuit is when battery and bulb is connected by wire.
    – Genetics is the study of inheritable information.
    – Dominant allele always shows up. It is expressed in capital letter. eg. Aa, AA
    – Recessive allele does not show up unless it is in homologous form. – eg. aa
    – Seismograph is a machine that measures the earthquake.
    – Epicentre is the epicentre is the point on the Earth’s surface that is directly above the hypocenter or focus, the point where an earthquake or underground.
    – Gold alloys: Gold is a soft metal so we often mix the metal with other metals to give some strength.

    Hope your questions are all answered : ) C you tomorrow.

  17. This was one of the icas questions…
    There was this mixture of water and pure-ice. It was supposed to be 0 degrees celcius. But it turned out to be 1.2 degrees celcius. Th fridge temeperature was 12.8 degrees celcius. What was it supposed to have been?
    11.6 or 14?

  18. Is this question suppose to be about thermometre? If it is.. thinking the temperature is suppose to be 0 but 1.2, the formula is ‘Reading temperature(1.2) = Actual temperature(0) + 1.2’. So the fridge temperature being is 12.8, so 12.8 = actual temperature + 1.2 gives Actual temperature(fridge) is 11.6.

  19. i’m just asking… but if you were to explain what acids and bases are referring to hydrogen and hydrogenoxide… what would you do?

  20. Acids have hydrogen ions in their molecule eg. HCl = hydrochloric acid, H2SO4 = sulfuring acid. Concentrated acids have many H+ ions. Bases have hydroxide ions in their molecule (OH-) eg. NaOH = Sodium Hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 = Calcium hydroxide. If there are lot of OH- found in the solution, then the solution is said to be concentrated base. I hope this explains.

  21. I dont get this question:
    John tested four metals in his labratory. He found that all of them had low resistance, that is, they allowed electric current to flow easily through them.

    From THIS result it can be concluded that:
    (A) all metals have low resistance
    (B) some metals have low resistance
    (C) all metals have low resistnace and all non-metals have high resistance
    (D) some metals have low resistance and some non-metals have high resistance

    Which one is it?

    BTW I know what i got for ICAS Science T.T

  22. Acidophilus is a bauscterium found in yogurts. The bacterium is a living thing, which therefore does all the things in MRS GREN. They are called as they like(-philus) acidic environments (Acido-).

  23. Moist will help them to move through soil particles without friction :) The thin membrane will allow them to breathe (Gas Exchange) efficiently.

  24. In discussion, you need to write about scientific background of your conclusion. For example, if you have found out that helicopter with a longer rotor took longer time than shorter rotor, explain about up-thrust of air while falling.

  25. How do produce biofuel from sweet potatoes?
    apparently the process is like turning starch into glucose, then fermenting the glucose into ethanol. but i dont know the details of it :L

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