쌤의 후회, 그리고 너희들의 최대 고민!

공부를 잘하는 방법?

솔직히 이야기 하자면 난 그닥 공부를 뛰어나게 잘 하지못했다. 이제와 생각해보니 내 경험을 비추어보면 분명 학생들에게 공부를 잘하는 방법은 분명히 있다. 내가 했던것 들을 반대로 하면 되는것 이다.. 히히

자.. 학생이 공부할때 분명 하지 말하야 하는것들을 적어본다. 내가 했던것들을 반대로 적어보았다.

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need help for science experiment project?

What should I do??

Hey.. science is a big wide field, combined of chemistry, physics and biology. If you can’t think of any project for your science experiment projects like science fair and CREST.

Think of a question first. You need to decide a field in science. If you are more interested in biology, chemistry or physics. Of course, you can combine two of these three you make the project more interesting.

Then, think of a question. This is the hardest part because you did not come across heaps of experience in science yet. I have found a really good website that gives examples of questions that you could try.

These are all found in google under a keyword ‘Science fair topics’

Cl and Cl2

Question: What does ‘Cl’ stand for and ‘Cl2′ stand for in the periodic table. Because in this level two worksheet it says that they both mean chloride but in the internet it says the ‘Cl’ is chloride and ‘Cl2′ is chlorine. Thank you~

(To read my answer – CLICK the heading or below)

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could you please tell me how the ecosystem works?


Ecosystem is community of organisms, interacting with one another, plus the environment in which they live an with which they also interact. For example, lake, a forest, a grassland, tundra.

Such ecosystem includes all abiotic factors (non-living factors like temperature, rain fall, climate, pH, oxygen level etc) and biotic factors (living factors like predator, competitor, trophic levels, heights of trees, producers, consumers, decomposers etc.)

Knowing about a particular ecosystem is crucial to understand the animals in such habitat. So.. it is the biological term that is used to describe everything in the nature.  The term ecosystem refers to the combined physical and biological components of an environment.


Parasitism is the biology term used to describe the relation between two different kinds of organisms in which one receives benefits from the other by causing damage to it.

Eg. Mosquitoes, and Plasmodium—the parasite that causes malaria. This is an excellent example of how multiple species can be tied together in complex ecological interactions.

Continue reading “parasitism”

ICAS (UNSW) Science assessment test preparation

As far as I know, according to the website – http://www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/etc/icas/nz – date of the science subject is Wednesday 9 June 2010.

To download ‘science assessment framework’ click here

During the break(2 weeks) we will practice questions from past papers and similar qustions of ICAS. But this won’t happen during the normal classes. Here are the specific days which are open for you to come in.

  • Primary school students (yr4-yr6) : Tuesday 2 pm – 3pm
  • Intermediate school students (Yr7-8) : Wednesday 5:00-6:30


What are we doing during these times?

If you are a primary school student, you will go through Level One(104Q) + ICAS past papers.

If you are an intermediate school student, you will go through Level One(104Q) and Two(99Q) + past ICAS papers.


  • Bring clearfile (more than 30pages)
  • Ruler
  • Calculator
  • Rubber, pencil etc.

If you are the person who tries to argue..

Hi forks,

If you are the person who likes to argue with your teacher – DROP EVERYTHING and LISTEN to what I have to say now!

Teachers at the school or after school are  there to help you out for a good reason. You will learn something that is very valuable and important for your life. It will make your life easier in the future by absorbing them so – STOP ARGUING. You probably have your own side of opinion and want to talk to someone who is mature – THAT IS FINE, but find a right time and right person.

If I have someone who is trying to disturb or interrupt my lesson, and even get away with things that has been planned, you should expect me VERY CROSSED. Of course, the message will be sent across to your parents too.

Don’t even give it a try because there will be no chance.

If you have something (which you cannot survive without discussing) try me after the lesson, but not during the lesson. You need to arrange time and come with a very nice attitude to talk about the issue. It will be accepted if you approach your argument this way. Thanks.

Dental Plaque

Click here to download a document about dental plaque

Plaque is the sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on teeth. It makes teeth “feel fuzzy” to the tongue and is most noticeable when teeth are not brushed.

Plaque develops when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such as milk, soft drinks, raisins, cakes, or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay.Plaque can also develop on the tooth roots under the gum and cause breakdown of the bone supporting the tooth.

Plaque can be prevented by:

1. only eating sugary foods at mealtimes, not as snacks

2. brushing teeth after eating/flossing

3. using a fluoride toothpaste

4. eating a well-balanced diet

5. visiting the dentist regularly.


A microbe is any living organism that spends its life at a size too tiny to be seen with the naked eye. Microbes include bacteria and archaebacteria, protists, some fungi and even some very tiny animals that are too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope. Viruses and the recently discovered prions are also considered microbes.

The term microbe is short for microorganism, which means small organism. To help people understand the different types of microbes, they are grouped or classified in various ways. Microbes are extremely diverse and represent all the great kingdoms of life, including the animals, plants, fungi, protists and bacteria (see the tree below). In fact, in terms of numbers, most of the diversity of life on Earth is represented by microbes.

If you want to learn more about microbe visit http://microbezoo.commtechlab.msu.edu/zoo/ziwim.html

[notes] Acid

Fizzy drinks are very popular. All these drinks have 3 things in common:

  1. They all contain a gas – Carbon dioxide gas
  2. They all contain sweeteners – either sugar of artificial sweetners
  3. They all contains acids

Acids improve the flavour of the drinks. They balance the sweetness and make them taste ‘tangy’. Fruits also contain acid called citric acid. They are called citrus fruits. The taste of lemon juice is quite sharp because of the acid. Most people prefer eating oranges to lemons, because oranges contain more natural sugar and are sweeter and less sharp. Citrus fruits also contain vitamin C, or ascorbic acid.

Vinegar is another acid that is found in many foods. As well as being put on chips, it is used in sauces, salad dressings and tomato ketchup.